All songs There are 6 songs to unlock. In order to unlock them, you need to play the Daily Training Dojo once a day. But you can just cheat your DS clock ahead a day to keep playing the dojo over and over. Keep doing this until you unlock 6 new songs.
Perfect mode Complete thirty songs. Then, go to the Song Selection screen and press Down/Right to display the options. The Perfect mode icon resembles a yellow Don wearing a gold crown. In Perfect mode, one missed note will result in a failed song.
High-Speed 4 Complete thirty songs. Then, go to the Song Selection screen and press Down/Right to display the options. The High-Speed 4 mode icon resembles an animal with an open mouth with a red flag next to its name. In High-Speed 4b mode, notes will scroll four times as fast.
Oni Mode Play and pass 20 songs to unlock Oni mode, the hardest mode. |